If you’re like most adults, the idea of wearing metal braces is less than appealing, even if you are unhappy with the way your smile looks and would like a straighter smile. We provide an excellent system for teeth straightening without braces –Invisalign® — and it’s available at our Houston, TX dentist office!

Invisalign is an FDA-approved system of clear aligners designed to move the teeth into place without compromising the patient’s appearance. It is an excellent choice for adults who are ready for a straighter smile.

Straightening Your Teeth Without Braces

  • There are many reasons adults frequently do not want to wear metal braces: they are inconvenient, uncomfortable, and many consider them to be unattractive. Invisalign is the ideal alternative for adults who do not want to wear unsightly braces yet desire a straighter smile.
  • Invisalign clear braces work just as well as metal braces, and they often involve a shorter amount of time to complete the treatment than traditional braces. The series of aligners is designed to shift your teeth into place as quickly and comfortably as possible.

Why Adults Choose Invisalign

More and more adults are choosing our Invisalign providers in Houston to give them straighter, more attractive smiles. Here are some of the benefits of selecting Invisalign.

  • By far one of the biggest reasons adults are choosing Invisalign is because the aligners are virtually invisible. Invisalign aligners do not alter one’s appearance, unlike metal braces, which are very noticeable. Most people will not even realize you are wearing your aligners.
  • Metal braces can make flossing and brushing one’s teeth difficult, and they require patients to avoid certain foods that could stick to or break a bracket. Invisalign aligners, however, are taken out during meals and before brushing and flossing, making them a much more convenient choice.
  • Patients find Invisalign to be a much more comfortable way to straighten their teeth. Metal braces can irritate the inside of your mouth, but Invisalign aligners are made of smooth plastic that is comfortable to wear. Your aligners are custom created for your mouth, guaranteeing a comfortable fit.
  • Invisalign requires fewer and less frequent appointments than metal braces, which makes it an ideal option for busy adults. Plus, you’ll never have to make an appointment for a broken bracket or wire.
  • An added benefit of Invisalign is that you can put whitening gel right into the aligners, enabling you to whiten and straighten your teeth at the same time.

Ready for a Straighter Smile?

  • The very first step to getting a straighter smile with Invisalign is to schedule a consultation. Our cosmetic dentists will evaluate your oral health and determine whether you are a good candidate for Invisalign.
  • If you and your dentist decide Invisalign is right for you, the next step is to formulate a treatment plan. Using smile imaging technology, we can show you exactly what your smile will look like after your treatment.

If you are tired of your smile imperfections and are ready to straighten your teeth, it’s time to schedule an Invisalign consultation with The Houston Dentists. With Invisalign, Houston patients can straighten their smiles without traditional braces. To schedule your appointment, call 713-701-1783.