Many people nowadays see glamorous pictures in magazines or on television, and suddenly they want to look like them in any way possible. Of course this refers to the Hollywood smiles they see plastered all over the magazines and movies. Well, one aspect of these glamorous smiles is having straight teeth, and our Houston cosmetic dentists offer just the right solution for that– Invisalign treatment!

Invisalign Treatment

Who can get Invisalign?

So, if Invisalign sounds like a great option for you, but you are still unsure if you should get it, you can review the following list of dental problems that Invisalign can fix. Invisalign treats dental problems, such as:

  • Gaps between your teeth
  • Crooked or uneven teeth

Do you have any of the above dental problems? Does it sound like you are a good fit for Invisalign? If you would like to take advantage of this teeth-straightening solution, you can call us to make your appointment! When you choose Invisalign, you will see why it is the clear alternative to metal and wire braces.

Invisalign is the clear alternative to metal braces!

For those of you who do not know, Invisalign trumps traditional orthodontic braces for various reasons, including:

  • Easy process to get started with Invisalign so you can have straight teeth in no time.
  • Faster treatment time needed for the Invisalign treatment. Actually many of our patients need the Invisalign treatment throughout a 1- to 2-year period, depending on the severity of their case, of course.
  • No more negative consequences throughout the treatment period, such as mouth abrasions and soreness, as you typically would have with braces.
  • Aligners are clear so no one can tell that you are even wearing them!
  • Only in-office checkup appointments every few months are needed, as opposed to more frequent office visits when you have braces.

Once you receive our Invisalign treatment, you can even choose our teeth whitening options to complete your brand new, sensational smile! With the combination of straight teeth and white, unstained teeth, you will experience a huge boost of self-confidence–especially when people constantly keep complimenting you on your gorgeous smile!

Come see our cosmetic dentists today!

Now that you can see some of the reasons why the Invisalign treatment is greatly beneficial, are you ready to get your clear aligners today? If so, call our cosmetic dentists to schedule your appointment, and to see if our Invisalign dentists are right for you. You and your family will not only receive exceptional dental care, but you will have the opportunity to enjoy our spa-like office environment, too! Now who can resist that combination? Come see us today!