April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. Certain types of oral HPV, specifically HPV-16, are serious risk factors for oral cancer. For this reason, an early HPV dental test is a critical preventive step.

HPV (Human Papillomavirus), is one of the most common virus groups in the world today. Early HPV infections typically have no outward symptoms, which makes regular screening even more important.

Houston Dental Experts recommends annual or bi-annual oral cancer screenings. Oral DNA Testing detects the presence of the HPV virus and various types of bacteria, as well as genetic predispositions for periodontal infections. We work with Oral DNA® Labs to administer the OraRisk® HPV test, a non-invasive, easy-to-use screening tool.

oral cancer

Oral Cancer Risk Factors

Houston-area residents who meet the following oral cancer risk factors should seek out an HPV dental test provider in Houston for a screening:

  • A lesion or discolored area in the mouth that lasts two or more weeks
  • High number of sexual partners
  • Weakened immune system

Although men are still more likely to develop oral cancer, a recent study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology points to increasing incidence among young women. Given this range of risk factors, we recommend that everyone ask his or her dentist whether the HPV dental test is appropriate.

If your HPV dental test detects the virus, stay positive. Early detection and treatment of the virus are your best steps toward preventing oral cancer. To setup an appointment for your oral cancer screening, contact us today!